<aside> ⚠️ PLEASE follow the rules while you're here! We're looking to create a fun and safe space for you all to come and interact with Knarfy and his content. The rules are only here to help you, not hinder you!

Please let a Moderator or Admin know if you have any questions! We're happy to explain.


This rules system is primarily based on a “common sense” principle. If you think something is against the rules, please take time to read through these again, or feel free to ask a staff member if it is appropriate.

Click on the arrow to read more about each rule.

No Profanity or NSFW

Be Respectful to others

Be Respectful to the Staff Team

No Spam

No Promotion (Self or Otherwise)

Discord TOS must be followed

<aside> ⚠️ If a user poses a legitimate threat to the community, they will be banned from the server. Example behaviors are Sending Malicious/Scam Links, Posting NSFW or Malicious Invitations to other Discord Servers, Racism, Doxing, Threats of Doxing, and Death Threats.


Discord punishments Cannot be Appealed unless specifically approved by our Staff Team.

Please note that these rules are Subject to Change as the team sees fit for the community! However, we do intend to keep these rules as reasonable as possible so your experience is not hindered! Decisions are made with the community in mind, and we will not make rules that benefit staff exclusively.

Additionally, the @Moderator and @Helper Roles on Discord will have the final say on enforcement and punishments!